(705) 874-8080
Mon, Wed: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tues, Thurs, Fri: 9 AM - 5:30 PM
Sat: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sun: Closed
815 High St. Unit 9, Peterborough, ON
Compliance Blister Packages
What is blister packaging and why you would need one?
Are you taking a few too many medications and having a hard time keeping a track of your spending and consumption?
Speak to one of our friendly staff members to find out more about blister packaging and if you would need one for yourself or your loved ones!
Blister packs are designed for your lifestyle and dietary needs. Blister packs can enhance the integrity of the medication by improving shelf life and providing a barrier against tampering.
Compliance packaging is a service available to help patients better manage their medications. Compliance packaging organizes patients' medication in an easy-to-use, convenient package. Here are some of the advantages of compliance packaging:
It greatly reduces the chances of missing doses or accidentally taking a double dose
Ensures the required medication is taken at the appropriate time of day
Helps Establish a daily routine
Over the counter medication such as multi-vitamins can also be added ensuring the patient is adherent with all of their pills
Helps avoid drug interactions by separating medications that interact together into different compartments
If a physician makes a change to a dose or changes a medication, the patient is not left with a large stock of pills they no longer need
Many patients utilize the service for a variety of reasons, they're not just for seniors! Let us help take the hassle out of managing your medications.